Hedgebrook Writers Conference
Day #2 with Ijeoma Oluo
Saturday, September 30th
What if I get it wrong?
Ijeoma will lead you through how to write alongside or in collaboration with other voices, the ethics, and accountability involved, and how to preserve voice while writing into other people’s stories. Expect a generative workshop with instruction, writing, and sharing time.
Pitch Me - essentials to a good pitch. Write a pitch aimed at your dream publication using the tools covered.
Please note that the industry talks are pre-recorded and will be viewed and processed in small work groups after the workshop intensive.
Join us for an evening of celebration as we uplift and delight in the work of our conference instructors! Sonora Jha, Ijeoma Oluo, and Idrissa Simmonds-Nastili will come together for a performance of their work by Bushwick Bookclub Seattle followed by a moderated conversation about creativity and joy.
Admission to this performance is included in the Writers Conference package and there is no need to purchase a separate ticket.