Hedgebrook Writers Conference
Day #3 with Sonora Jha
Saturday, September 30th
The Character’s Arc and the Reader’s Journey
As the people in your story build or wreck their lives with their choices, what is going on with your reader? As a storyteller, you can take your reader on a tremendous emotional journey. In this workshop, you will craft arcs that move your character through their peaks and valleys of love or grief or madness or whatever is your will…and you will hue this closely with the emotional arc on which you want to compel your reader. Through examples and lessons and writing prompts to spark fresh insights and generate new writing, you will enrich the emotional promise that draws a reader to your narrative, whether fiction or non-fiction.
Guided Focus - the journey from writing to publication. Navigate the industry as you uncover how to be and keep to your core with the questions and tips provided.
Please note that the industry talks are pre-recorded and will be viewed and processed in small work groups after the workshop intensive.