Fall into Writing With Women-Focused Writing Events


Forwriters, autumn can be a great time of inspiration. Days get shorter, thenights get cooler, and everything slows down. There is more time to nestle in witha favorite sweater, warm mug, and explore our creativity. It’s a wonderful timeto come together with other women writers and revel in the gifts of the season.

Whilewe are, of course, partial to our fall Master Class offerings, there are severalwomen’s writing retreats, conferences, and festivals happening around thecountry for you to explore.

Festival of Women Writers


September 6-8, 2019

Hobart, New York

This Festival takes place in “the readingcapital of New York State” and offers writing intensives, workshops, readings,and receptions.

Women’sFiction Writers Association


September25-29, 2019

Albuquerque,New Mexico

The Women’s Fiction Writers Annual Retreatwill feature talks and interactive lessons from novelist, speaker, andjournalist Nicole Blades.

A Workshop for Women Writers of Color

October6-10, 2019

Pendle Hill


Pendle Hill is a Quaker retreat that welcomes all for spirit-ledlearning and community. Led by Melchor Hall, a black feminist scholar-activist,this workshop offers strategies for writing alternative epistemologies into,against, and through the canon.

Women Writing the West Conference


October 10 - 13, 2019
San Antonio, Texas

Women Writing the West is celebrating its 25thyear with the theme “Writing to Remember - Remembering Why We Write”. Theconference features workshops, pitch meetings, editorial reviews, tours, and areading from 2018 Texas Poet Laureate Carol Coffee Reposa.

C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference


November8-9, 2019

University of Central Arkansas in Conway,Arkansas

The mission of the C.D. Wright Women WritersConference is to recognize, promote, and encourage women-identifying writerswith special emphasis given to writing inspired by or written in the south.

Theconference includes writing workshops, panels, talks, and an editorial reviewof works in progress.

Fall 2019 HedgebrookMaster Classes

MasterClasses combine Hedgebrook’s retreat experience with the unique opportunity tobe in residence and study with a celebrated teacher on beautiful WhidbeyIsland.

Weare offering several Master Classes for Fall 2019. Participation in each classis limited to 6-8 writers to ensure individual attention and create anintimate, supportive writing community.

Writing/Righting our lives:  releasing thefear and activating the fierce 

October 11-18

Ledby: Amy Ferris


This is for all writers, all genres, all levels. This is for non-writers, or folks who don’t believe they are writers. This is for anyone. This class is not about the craft of writing, it is about the craft of living and telling our truth. Writing/Righting our lives: releasing the fear and activating the fierce. The stories we keep hidden, out of view, tucked away. The stories in diaries and journals scribbled on post-its and napkins that are in the back of a drawer hidden; the ones we are afraid to share. Those are the very stories we will bring to life and write about.


BeginnersMind: A Master Class to Turn Your Yearning to Write into Words


Ledby: Heidi W. Durrow


Thisclass is tailored for the person who has always wanted to write for a livingand wants to grow their craft as a writer (focusing on character, voice,description, and scene) in addition to exploring how one develops their writingresume even before one publishes their first word. This class will emphasizegenerating new work through the use of writing prompts, guided in-class writingexercises and reading and discussion of literary models.


Takeit to the Next Level


Ledby: Erica Bauermeister


So,you have a first draft of your manuscript — now, what’s the nextstep?  This class will focus on the tricks and joys of editing, fromthe global (story arc and character development) to the lyrical (making thosescenes/images/sentences sing) to the completely granular (commas and grammarand repetition, oh my). We’ll dig in, get messy, and find and polish the storywaiting inside your manuscript.  Upon acceptance, students shouldarrive with a completed first draft along with an open mind, ready to receiveand give constructive feedback.  Included will be a one-on-onesession review of 30 pages of your manuscript.


NextLevel Writing


Ledby: Hannah Tinti


Thesolution to a piece of writing is always hidden just beneath the surface. Inthis editorial-focused workshop, we will dig deep, giving close reads to apiece of your writing (10-25 pages, max 6,000 words) and exploring each layer,from the seed of the idea that first inspired you to the places where you’refeeling lost or stuck. Together we’ll identify the strengths and weaknesses,shore up the structure, identify patterns and find ways to bring your work tothe next level. 


Hedgebrook offers a varietyof opportunities for writers to hone their craft year-round at our retreat onWhidbey Island, Washington. Click here to learnmore. To learn about our online offerings, which brings our famous radicalhospitality to you wherever you write, visit this link.


Ancient Mahogany Gold


Back-to-school season self-care for your inner writer