Equivox Reimagined!


Recognizing the personal and collective challenges of these times, we hope this message finds you happy and healthy. Please know we extend our deepest gratitude to you for the unique part you play in uplifting and inspiring our creative community.

We are particularly attuned right now to all the communities, both internationally and here in Washington State, where the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting our most vulnerable members and disrupting every level of activity. This heartfelt concern extends to each of you.

Given this unprecedented situation, we are in the process of re-envisioning Equivox 2020 from an in-person community gathering to something new and innovative – and yes, virtual. In these uncertain times, we know that experiencing the power of community only serves to strengthen, heal, and uplift us all. With such a remarkable lineup of Equivox speakers whose work has already transformed humanity, we feel we cannot miss this chance to cast light and hope into the world. Even online, we can fortify our mutual commitment to Hedgebrook’s mission and be buoyed by others dedicated to amplifying women’s voices. This is at the heart of Hedgebrook, and we will continue to deliver our message to the world.

Thank you for your patience as we eagerly explore options for an online event, which we hope will offer some of the moving moments typical of our one-of-a-kind brunch. Know that our staff members and the Equivox planning committee are working closely together to pinpoint the right technical solutions, and we will share more as our plans crystalize.

Given this is our largest fundraiser of the year, we invite you to imagine the extraordinary impact Hedgebrook’s writers have already had on changing our society for the better and then envision that impact magnified a thousand-fold. We hope that this will inspire you to continue your support of our mission as you are able. However, if you would like a refund for your ticket or table, please contact us at equivox@hedgebrook.org.

Thank you again for your generous support of women’s voices. We will be sending updates via email, Facebook and Twitter. Your ongoing engagement will ensure that Hedgebrook continues to shape our culture now and for generations to come.


The Hedgebrook Team


Equivox Virtual Event Update


Honoring Black Girl Magic!