From the Farmhouse Table: October 2021

Radical Reciprocity


It’s a bit strange to become a recurring donor to the organization that employs you, but for me it was a long time coming. Years ago when I was in residence at Hedgebrook, Carolyn Forche spoke at one of our dinners at the Farmhouse table about the Cedar Deep Giving Circle - a special way for those who believe in our mission to amplify women’s voices to support this vision long-term. I knew then that I wanted to be a member of Cedar Deep, but I didn’t have the financial stability to commit to a monthly donation. Now, I am still so honored to serve as the Program Director here, where each day I see the impact we are making on the world. And while I am by no means someone who can give large gifts, it was important for me to keep that promise I made to myself years ago. As fellow alumna LaShawnDa Pittman said, “This year it was more important than ever to give where I could, just in gratitude of being able to do something in a time when so many people are struggling.”

Over this last year, our organization has undergone many changes, one of which was a major data migration project from one donor database to another. As I assisted with this project, it became abundantly clear how big an impact a small monthly gift makes over time. The foundation of Hedgebrook is our staunchest supporters, many of whom would not name themselves major donors - but whose consistency and commitment over the years have been invaluable in sustaining our mission.

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Recent alumna Storme Webber provides this testament:

“Hedgebrook is our collective dream, a very real walking vision, rooted deep in Lower Skagit, Swinomish, Suquamish, Snohomish territory. It has been a tremendous blessing to have had time with the quaking aspens, the cedars, the owl, the frogs. The staff walks the grounds with love and they carefully cultivate this peaceful and creative space. I am especially grateful for all the above and beyond during these times of cascading crisis. I want to say thank you for being unafraid to hold a vision. Thank you to Nancy Nordhoff who dreamed a collective dream and built it sturdy. Thank you Kimberly, and Amber, and Cathy and all the new and old builders of this dream that is Hedgebrook. Thank you for your faith and your kindness, your strength and your determination. I will forever be thankful for all the good and lifesaving medicine. I'm joining Cedar Deep because I experience Hedgebrook as a collective joy resource. Many hands make light work. If all who love Hedgebrook kick in something, we can support this dream in real time, and care for her continued loving presence. It is my honor to be a part of this beloved and so needed home for women writers.”

I, too, am so grateful to be a part of this legacy. I ask you to consider joining us as a part of Cedar Deep Giving Circle. Our many hands can serve to make not only light work, but life-giving work for years to come.

-Amber Flame, Program Director & Alumna


From the Farmhouse Table: November 2021


From the Farmhouse Table: September 2021