Kelly Ford - Head of Housekeeping


I very recently came to be the head of housekeeping at's that for alliteration? I digress...I came to Hedgebrook as a part-time, back up housekeeper to the backup housekeeper. A dear friend and now roommate was filling in on a temporary basis as a housekeeper. She asked if I wanted to train as an extra hand. I was in a failing marriage at the time and idea of being a steward to such an amazing institution on a beautiful property was hard to resist and so I said yes...Long story, short, I was enamored and grateful to spend time on the property and peek into the inner workings of such a serene place.The work I do is not complex, or mentally challenging for that matter. But, it IS sacred, methodical and meditative. I restore chaos to order. Clear out the old to make way for the new. Over and over and over. Yet, I do not find this mundane boring or beneath me. I cherish this work. It is good, honest and pure, I simply make everything nicer and more beautiful than it already is. I help make an amazing place, more amazing for amazing artists...who repay me, the world with art, beauty and words to fill our hungry souls.The land itself is a balm for the soul, a beauty beyond words, respite, retreat, and HOME. So those whose words I long to read, are inspired, nourished and restored, so they may create my future memories and inspirations, It's a win-win situation...on every level.The failing marriage, finally failed, more alliteration.. and I took over as head of housekeeping. After a bit of a learning curve and a few meltdowns, I found my groove. My incredible colleagues now family, held me. , supported me and trusted in many blessings. I was an emotional wreck and tried to keep a brave face in the midst of my own personal storm...and my new family never gave up on me. Because that's the bigger part of the story. Hedgebrook is so much more than a retreat for writers... it's a retreat for us ALL.It's a magical place of acceptance and healing, so one may hear her inner voice and learn to trust itMy inner voice urged me to ask if I could stay in a cottage over Christmas, as it would be my first ever alone. I just wanted to know. These precious cottages, that we lovingly scrub and polish.. and the forest with its owls and ravens, and the bathtub, and the peace...I wanted to know what it is like to be a part of this gift. To feel the serenity the writers must feel, or the loneliness, or the fear or the joy. All of it. I wanted to know. I asked. Vito said yes. I was ecstatic! Alone on the property. I brought Christmas lights, flameless candles, music, books, art supplies, good food and even, tap shoes! I turned down all invitations from well-meaning friends who wished to cheer me up... I was cheerful and I wanted to be there. Alone. On Christmas.I got to start my own fire. I build them daily.. and, its good to know that the one match technique works! I also learned that fires need to be well tended.. and there will be many treks to the woodshed. Ashes will spill and fir needles will follow you in, no matter how careful you are. The dark and the quiet are so comforting, and one can feel such utter peace that it is humbling,I walked the property, talked to trees, meditated, read, journaled and painted...I even practiced my tap dancing...and reveled in myself. There was only joy, freedom and wonder...It snowed on Christmas Eve. A heavy, quiet, beautiful gift fell from the sky and filled my soul with such peace and happiness. To walk through the dark forest, to a claw foot bath tub was a meditation in joy. Queen for a day!Christmas morning... dazzling snow-covered trees, my Christmas forest...the truest gift I've ever received. I felt as if I was chosen as the guest of honor at the most precious of celebrations. My heart was full and my joy immeasurable. And I understood. What goes on here. What it's like to be nurtured and cherished by the universe. Where you can be yourself, and think your thoughts, and breath snow cleaned air, and be dazzled by natures best decoration.And to think, that by tidying up and providing a clean, serene well-tended environment...I'm assisting in magical creativity and self-exploration. What more noble work than that? What we do at Hedgebrook is more than work... It's a collaborative construction of radical hospitality.Such an be a small part of such a big thing!  


Hedgebrook's First Writer in Residence Jan D'Arcy


Sara J. Grossman