Women Championing Each Other


Women Championing Each Other

By uplifting the voices of women and non-binary writers, we are fueling a revolution!

Hedgebrook is pleased torecognize two celebrated, New York Times bestselling authors – Elizabeth George (known for herInspector Lynley crime novel series), and the late novelist Rona Jaffe (who penned the bestsellingclassic novel The Best of Everything)- and the five Hedgebrook writers being supported through their foundations asan example of the spirited alchemy of women authoring change.

Both Foundations hold amission to support emerging women writers of exceptional talent through awardsand grants. They support Hedgebrook by establishing fellowships that underwritethe writer’s residencies, with a stipend to help cover their travel.


Lily Padilla: a playwright receiving acclaim for their play How To Defend Yourself, winner of the Yale Drama Series Prize that took the 2019 Humana New Play Festival by storm. They teach playwriting and devised theatre at University of California-San Diego. 

Elaine Kim: a fiction writer, Fulbright Foundation Research Fellowship Grantee and NYFA Fellow, working on a novel about how we live after war and loss; how we make sense of the forces of history that squeeze and shape us; and how we embrace or shy away from being agents of change in our lives and in the world around us.

Margarita Ramirez Loya: a fiction writer and ESL instructor working on a YA novel set against the backdrop of the US-Mexico border during the Trump administration. Margarita’s story will be a bold testimony giving voice to young people currently being silenced and locked in cages.

Ama Codjoe: a poet working on her first full-length collection of poems, Iterations of Being, that investigate the identity of an African-American woman whose personal and familial stories stretch across both sides of the Atlantic, and the ideas of iteration, repetition, and transformation through subjects such as memory, girlhood, nature, and fertility. 


Leslie Blanco: anAmerican writer with Cuban and French ascendants who often refers to hercolorful cultural heritage in her writings and puts the characters ofher fictions into a Cuban context. Leslie’s essays andfiction have appeared TheHuffington Post, The Kenyon Review, PANK, and numerous others.


Reflections From Summer Camp
