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2025 Hedgebrook Writers Conference

Hedgebrook's 2025 Writers Conference

Seattle | In-person

Hedgebrook is a dynamic community of writers and we are thrilled to partner with three of our illustrious and acclaimed alumnae instructors for this event. We are working together to craft and guide you through interconnected lessons over the course of three days this September. This offering is sure to challenge and stretch your writing and provide opportunities to build writing community.

Open to intermediate and advanced writers of all genres and genders. Please review all of the details carefully prior to registration as refunds will not be issued. If you have questions, reach out to

Daily sample schedule (Pacific time):

  • 9:30 am Welcome, grounding + breakfast snacks (hosted by Hedgebrook)

  • 10:00 am Writing intensive with instructor 

  • *1:00 pm Community time + lunch (hosted by Hedgebrook)

  • *2:00 pm Industry talks (pre-recorded) + facilitated small work groups

*These times are approximate and may vary a bit due to length of workshops.

PLEASE NOTE: The Industry Talks are pre-recorded and will be viewed and processed in small groups during the conference.

Venue confirmation and workshop descriptions coming soon!

May 10

VorTEXT Intensive Retreat with Kate Gale