Cedar Deep Giving Circle

There is nothing like Hedgebrook anywhere else in the world. The women who are blessed with residencies must be sure that Hedgebrook is always here. It gives me joy and peace of mind to think of it far away on Whidbey Island, but very close to my heart.

– Carolyn Forché, poet and alumna

What is a Giving Circle?

Giving circles are a form of philanthropy where groups of individuals donate their money or time to a common cause or organization. The benefits of their pooled resources include increasing the impact of their over-all donation as well as fostering an aware and engaged community of donors.

What is Cedar Deep?

Originally named by founders Nancy Nordhoff and Sheryl Feldman, Cedar Deep is a stand of young cedars in the forest at Hedgebrook, a quiet place where writers in residence can go to meditate and clear their minds.

In response to a desire to give back to Hedgebrook and to sister writers, a group of alumnae worked with us in 2009 to create the Cedar Deep Giving Circle.

Like the roots of those sacred cedars, anchored in the soil, silently recording the history of the land in their life rings, the Cedar Deep Circle sustains Hedgebrook at its core.

By offering a steady stream of income that underwrites Hedgebrook’s operations, the Circle helps fund writers’ residencies, meals, the garden, care of the land, and keeping the cookie jar full—all of the things that make Hedgebrook the singular place and experience that it is, and has been since 1988.

How do I join Cedar Deep?

Joining is easy and available to everyone!

Cedar Deep Circle is a monthly commitment using your credit or debit card. Using the button below, select how much you’d like to give monthly, then click “Contribute.” Under the “Make This Donation” drop-down menu, select monthly. When asked “Is this for a specific campaign, program, or cause?” write, Cedar Deep and complete the form. Your gift provides a steady, vital income stream that enables us to continue to offer free-to-writers residencies to women writers, and ensures Nancy Nordhoff’s vision and legacy into the future.