Writer-in-Residence Application Resources
Listening & Preparation
Visit our YouTube channel to watch a previously streamed application info session with Hedgebrook’s Program Director, Amber Flame, for answers to commonly asked questions and insight into the adjudication process.
Be sure to sign up for our mailing list to be notified when a new application cycle opens.
Inspiration & Advice
If you’re looking for advice or inspiration on filling out your application, here are a few resources that may be useful to you:
Read alumna Susan Rich’s posts on her blog, Alchemist’s Kitchen (2013): Application Advice for Hedgebrook. Just Do It! and Just Do It! More Application Advice for Hedgebrook.
Check out our blog for inspiration and advice! Posts from other applicants include: Knocking at Hedgebrook’s Door, by Ellen Sussman and How I Didn’t Give up on Hedgebrook Which is to Say How Hedgebrook Didn’t Give up on Me by Jill McCabe Johnson. For advice on the application, read Dear Jennie, by Jennie Shortridge.
Insight & Community
Watch this video to learn more about the community of writers you are entering. Hear directly from Hedgebrook alumnae about their experience and writing while in residence, and fall in love with the beautiful environment.