Writer-in-Residence Selection Criteria and Process
Our Eligibility Statement
Hedgebrook supports visionary writers whose stories and ideas shape our culture now and for generations to come. The Writer-in-Residence program is Hedgebrook’s core program that for nearly 36 years has supported residencies for writers representing diversity in citizenship status, nationality, current place of residence, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression, trans* identity, age, disability, professional experience, and economic resources. We welcome applicants, published or not, of all genres, who embrace the mission and opportunity to be a member of Hedgebrook’s community.
Who Can Apply
Women-identified people only
Individuals only, collaborators may apply separately
Must be available to be in residence during the cycle applied for
Approximately 40 writers will be awarded residencies per residency season (~80 per year)
Applications are accepted nationally and internationally
The Writer-in-Residence program is not open to Hedgebrook alumnae. (Writers who have come to Hedgebrook through a Screenwriter’s Lab, Documentary Film Lab, Women’s Playwright Festival, the Songwriting Residency, as well as the Writer-in-Residence program are considered alumnae.)
Deferments/Residency Date Changes
Residents must apply for and be able to attend residency during the cycle they applied.
Deferments are only considered for unplanned emergency situations, including testing positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of the residency, a medical emergency, etc. Once residencies have been confirmed, writers may request to go on a waitlist for openings within that residency cycle, if original dates need to change.