From the Farmhouse Table: May 2024

We often hear about the power of Hedgebrook from our alumnae who’ve stayed on the land: the thoughts that flowed as they walked in the woods, the simplicity of their cottage enhancing their process, the nourishment of chef-prepared meals and snacks filling their stomachs and souls. And while we have to agree that there is a certain je ne sais quoi to be found at our island retreat—that magic can still be conjured beyond the land by our people, our programs, and our participants. 

“I tried several groups before finding Hedgebrook,” says doctor, activist, and feminist fiction author Jane Carrick, who is based in Australia and first became part of our community as a virtual program participant. “It was a perfect fit for me. These were my writing soul mates.” 

While many writers seek Hedgebrook in order to transplant themselves here and dig into their work—Jane needed a different kind of connection. She discovered our organization in the thick of the pandemic lockdown while caring for both a foster child and the daughter of a friend seeking refuge from an abusive relationship. “That meant we had two very traumatized, damaged females living in our house. I managed some sort of routine, but all that trauma locked up in our home was affecting me,” she says. “Meanwhile, I could no longer meet up with my writing group, so I searched online for connectivity with writers.”

For Jane, that interaction with writers through our programs—even via the internet—was healing. “In many ways, the connection with Hedgebrook saved my mental health,” she says. Since that time, Jane has remained connected to Hedgebrook. With the pandemic slowly receding, she was able to join our Tuscany retreat in 2023. “Tuscany was a breath of fresh air for me,” she says. “I found like-minded nurturing souls, each with wildly individual creative minds.” She credits alumna instructor Ellen Sussman on the trip for resuscitating her work and allowing her to build confidence and flourish as a writer. 

“Through Hedgebrook, I have learned about the value of radical hospitality and its power to heal and to unleash creative juices,” says Jane. Radical hospitality is unique to Hedgebrook and something we are proud to offer writers, whether they’re joining us from a cottage—or a screen halfway across the world. Every writer has different needs and goals, and while residencies may not be an option for some, we encourage women-identified storytellers to check out our offerings and see what programs we offer that might be right for them.


From the Farmhouse Table: June 2024


From the Farmhouse Table: March 2024